Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show.
What has not following your dreams cost you?
Are you living on the 'outside in' ?
Do you feel a sense of disconnect or find your work, life, social relationships are an 'out of body' experience ?
Do you Feel like you just don't belong or 'fit in' no matter how much you try or even want to ?
Join Mark and Zac for an expressive and freestyle insight into life direction and the impact of our choices on our health, relationships and place in society.
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show.
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 05. Peeling Back The Onion: Are We Ever Truly Ourselves in Relationships ?
This week Mark and Zac discuss the concept of being true to ourselves in the way we act or behave whilst in 'social environments' such as the workspace, family gatherings and possibly most interestingly in relationships.
'The Outsider' also often ends up fighting against his or her nature by actually wanting to belong to social groups and as a result ends up going against the flow of their truth, which can lead to giving off false signals and result in confusion and misunderstanding to those they engage with.
Mark and Zac attempt to demystify these behaviours as they 'unpeel the layers' of life as an 'Outsider'.