Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show.
What has not following your dreams cost you?
Are you living on the 'outside in' ?
Do you feel a sense of disconnect or find your work, life, social relationships are an 'out of body' experience ?
Do you Feel like you just don't belong or 'fit in' no matter how much you try or even want to ?
Join Mark and Zac for an expressive and freestyle insight into life direction and the impact of our choices on our health, relationships and place in society.
63 episodes
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - Series 6. Real Life ; Episode 5 - Is Age Just A Number?
Mark and Zac are back !A new series looking at life from varying perspectives with emphasis on how certain aspects of life including past experiences have created the people we have become today.This programme is for those who f...
Season 6
Episode 5
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - Series 6. Real Life ; Episode 4 - Paying it Forward
Mark and Zac are back !A new series looking at life from varying perspectives with emphasis on how certain aspects of life including past experiences have created the people we have become today.This programme is for those who f...
Season 6
Episode 4
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - Series 6. Real Life ; Episode 3 - Human Conditioning
Mark and Zac are back !A new series looking at life from varying perspectives with emphasis on how certain aspects of life including past experiences have created the people we have become today.This programme is for those who f...
Season 6
Episode 3
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - Series 6. Real Life ; Episode 2 - Rebellion
Mark and Zac are back !A new series looking at life from varying perspectives with emphasis on how certain aspects of life including past experiences have created the people we have become today.This programme is for those who f...
Season 6
Episode 2
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - Series 6. Real Life ; Episode 1 - 'School Days'
Mark and Zac are back ! A new series looking at life from varying perspectives with emphasis on how certain aspects of life including past experiences have created the people we have become today. This programme is for those who...
Season 6
Episode 1
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' Series : 'Gaining Confidence through Learning Languages'; A Discussion With Benny 'The Stoic Padawan'
This week, Mark and Zac are joined by past contributor and follower of the show, Benny 'The Stoic Padawan' a world traveller who has just returned to his native Netherlands and back home with his parents. A situation that resonated with M...
Season 5
Episode 10
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' Series : 'Art for Arts sake'; A Discussion With Vanessa 'The Wellbeing Blogger'.
This week, Mark and Zac are joined by past contributor and follower of the show, Vanessa 'The Wellbeing Blogger'. The group discuss the benefits of self expression and being 'in the flow' with particular focus on 'Outsiders Art',&nb...
Season 5
Episode 9
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' series.'Mortality'; Life's What You Make It.
This week, Mark and Zac discuss 'mortality'. Following the recent passing of Zac's father, it seemed opportune to dedicate this week's podcast to one our biggest followers.As creative and expressive types, we can often live too lo...
Season 5
Episode 8
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' Series : Stimulation vs Stagnation; Develop Yourself, Take A Course.
This week, Mark and Zac discuss the benefits of developing yourself by taking creative courses to develop your skills, knowledge and most importantly heighten your self confidence through practice.As creative and expressive types, we ca...
Season 5
Episode 7
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' Series : A Night Out On The Town; Is Going Out Still Fun ?
This week, Mark and Zac discuss going out socially for a few drinks and whether it still holds the same appeal as it used to be. How places may change but the crowd still remain the same and... how is it that despite the financial turmoil, ...
Season 5
Episode 6
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The 'Confidence' Series : A Foundation For Growth; Secret Steps To A Winning Performance.
This week, Mark and Zac share insights, experiences as well as discuss the importance of having a foundation in place before any form of public performance. The integral steps required of practice and visualisation are key to ensur...
Season 5
Episode 5
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The Confidence Series : The Importance of Relationships with our Children.
This week, Mark and Zac discuss the importance of developing relationships with our child/children as parents and how we can maintain them remotely, if seperated or engage with them if still in a relationship. Our podcasts use 'cre...
Season 5
Episode 4
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The Confidence Series: Navigating Relationships (part2).
This week, Mark and Zac discuss the idea of emotional relationships and how, as ‘Outsiders’ , we fit into them. This is the 2nd part of the episode on this topic. in this segment Mark and Zac discuss their own experiences with...
Season 5
Episode 3
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show -The Confidence Series : Navigating Relationships (part1).
This week, Mark and Zac discuss the idea of emotional relationships and how, as ‘Outsiders’ , we fit into them. This is episode is part 1 of a 2 part episode on this topic..Mark and Zac approach this issue from differe...
Season 5
Episode 2
Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The Confidence series : The Confidence 'To Do' The Things We Love.
Hello and Welcome to Series 5 of our podcast series !This week Mark and Zac discuss the importance of 'confidence 'and how it impacts on our ability to actually do the things we always wanted or dreamt of doing but were to insecure, anx...
Season 5
Episode 1
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 10. Does Depression Lead to Failure or Growth ?
This week Zac takes up 'the reins' and opens up about his struggle with depression. He asks if failure is something that we should question, or whether it is a sign of growth. Zac also shares his story and discu...
Season 4
Episode 10
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 09. Mark Goes Solo...(this week only).
This week, Mark goes solo, as his co host and creator, Zac is away. In order to keep the show flowing and to ensure listeners don't go without an 'Outsiders' weekly fix...Mark shares a few insights into being the best version of yourself ...
Season 4
Episode 9
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 08. Questions and Answers.
Do you find yourself asking questions at work or even within your social groups ? Does it feel as though by doing so, you feel as though you are 'rocking the boat' of conventionality when all you are intending to do is find a justifiable ...
Season 4
Episode 8
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 07. 'Poetry in Motion'; Switching ON our Inner Light.
This week Mark and Zac discuss the importance of being true to ourselves through creativity and expression.Mark and Zac took up the Songwriting challenge and share their words and the ideas behind them. Being true to ...
Season 4
Episode 7
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 06. 'Lost In The Crowd' : Authenticity: A Form Of Bravery OR Simply Hiding In 'Public' ?
This week Mark and Zac discuss the concept of 'visibility', in the sense of being authentic and open as opposed to hiding in plain sight, by blending in with the 'crowd' and therefore providing 'cover' for those of us living within our co...
Season 4
Episode 6
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 05. Peeling Back The Onion: Are We Ever Truly Ourselves in Relationships ?
This week Mark and Zac discuss the concept of being true to ourselves in the way we act or behave whilst in 'social environments' such as the workspace, family gatherings and possibly most interestingly in relationships. 'The Outsi...
Season 4
Episode 5
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 04. Soho Souls : Year in Review; Live At The Royal Academy Of Arts, London
"Change begins at the end of your comfort zone" Roy. T . BennettThis week Mark and Zac met up in London's Soho district, a zone that holds deep connection to the arts, creativity and self expression An area that seemed to...
Season 4
Episode 4
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 03. Freedom Is Within Us; A Conversation with Benny Voncken, the Dutch 'Stoic Padawan'. Live from Mexico.
Epictetus wrote, " no man is free who is not master of himself."Freedom is within us all and is not, as most of might believe, a location or projected future of some kind.This week Mark and Zac had a conversation with Benny Vonc...
Season 4
Episode 3
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 02. Rebel Yell !! : The Importance of Confidence and How We React to Our Environment.
Are you a Rebel or possibly a 'Flaneur' ? (Listen in for Zac's explanation) ...How do you react or respond to your environment (workspace, home , social etc..) Do you conform to the 'norm' ? Are you frustrated at not ...
Season 4
Episode 2
Mark and Zac's Introspective Half Hour 01. The John Hughes Trilogy; Films that Connected with Us Growing Up.
Are you highly sensitive and possibly over analytical in your approach to life ? This week, Mark and Zac decided to go back in time and discuss their teenage years and some of the films that connected with them and the messag...
Season 4
Episode 1