Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show.

Mark and Zac 'The Outsiders' Podcast Show - The Confidence series : The Confidence 'To Do' The Things We Love.

Mark Clifton & Zac Thraves Season 5 Episode 1

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Hello and Welcome to Series 5 of our podcast series !

This week Mark and Zac discuss the importance of 'confidence 'and how it impacts on our ability to actually do the things we always wanted or dreamt of doing but were to insecure, anxious or basically lacking in self belief .

Mark and Zac, as always share their own experiences and insights into what and how they overcame their 'mental blocks' in order to pursue the things that make them happy and closer to their authentic nature.

If this is an issue for you, why not join us and listen to our show (?)..

Mark and Zac are now also on video and you can find us at :

We will record our show and you can watch clips here. You can also interact and share your views and comments here too. We would love to hear from you !

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